Blue Ridge Parkway
We began planning this ride over 6 months ago with the purpose of riding the entire 469 miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway from end to end. During that 6 months we slowly booked B&B’s to stay at and payed for them in full. We also stopped eating out once a week and took what we would have spent and put it aside for the trip. We purchased touring packs for both bikes and smaller necessities for a long trip. This ride took us 3149.5 miles in 11 days through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, and Oklahoma before returning home to Fort Worth, TX. We managed to ride 3 scenic parkways during this trip which included the Cherohala Skyway that spans across both Tennessee and North Carolina, the Blue Ridge Parkway that runs across North Carolina and Virginia, and the Talimena Scenic Byway that runs between Arkansas and Oklahoma. We also rode the Diamondback Motorcycle Route (226A) at BRP mile post 334 in the Little Switzerland area. We rode the entire trip and had a lot of memorable experiences along the way which I will try to express in this post with write-ups, slide show, and video. One of the days during this ride marked our 20 year anniversary for which I am grateful to have spent with Margaret. I made accommodations at Bed & Breakfasts for most of the trip as a nice touch of appreciation and celebration for our marriage.
This content has been moved to Ride it Wrench it.
10 thoughts on “Blue Ridge Parkway”
It looks like you had a great time. Congratulations on 20 years of marriage. I have ridden the Blue Ridge a few times and gotten wet every time.
Outside of the rain, looks like the trip was a good one. Hope to one day ride the BRP myself. Thank you for sharing your trips with us. Looking forward to the next one.
Damn, that sounds like an amazing trip. It's pretty cool your wife rides too and not just little dinner rides. It's not too often you find a woman that feels confident enough as a rider to take such a long trip. You must be proud to have beautiful and adventures wife. Not all of us are as lucky.
When I get home from work tonight I'll have to read some more post. I would like to do more of my maintenance; I know your videos are going to be big help.
I read your blog including the comments and I have to say I get sick of reading these guys singing the praises of your wife. Get real, let her have a kid or two and see how sexy she looks oh wait never mind she's probably too busy polishing her chrome to think about having kids. Not to mention woman that don't eat properly have problems even getting pregnant.
I have found that woman that ride their own motorcycle are usually bitches that need to learn there place. I enjoyed your blog but I think I'm done with it. Do your wife a favor and put a few doughnuts in her mouth.
I don't usually reply to hate but @Sally you are a rude bitch. You hide behind the blogger logo, why? Too fat for a real photo? At least Scott and Margaret put themselves out there.
Margaret is sexy but she is also funny, smart and articulates herself well. She has manners and is loyal to her husband; that makes her sexier than you could ever dream of being. Why do you care if someone notices her? Jealous you don't get attention? How do you know she hasn't already had 5 kids?
I have met Margaret in person and she is just who Scott portrays her to be. An adventures woman who enjoys life. My friends and I met her at an event and tried to pick her up. She was sweet with her approach but made it clear we were not going to get any where with her. She went on and on about Scott and his blog. She even gave my friend Scott's blog card. Ouch, it was a sting but it showed her loyalty and class, something you know nothing about!
Scott blog is better off without you.
What the f @Sally is your problem? Why do you care if anyone notices her? She is pretty and has a nice body. She carries herself well and so what if someone takes notice? She doesn't ask for the attention. Their pictures and videos are always done with class. Scott has every right to be proud of his wife, not many women are willing to take the chances she has. I doubt you know any woman that really ride their own bikes.
Go crawl back into your troll cave and stop being a bitch.
Sally, I am sorry you are such a bitter woman.
Scott and especially Margaret don't take her hurtful and mean words to heart. You are both an encouragement in many ways. Because of Margaret I have ridden on the back of my husbands bike on several trips now! We are enjoying the time together like nothing else we have done.
In case you don't remember Margaret I met you at the Careity event. You have such a sweet and loving soul, too bad Sally refuses to be open to others. Please keep sharing your videos, pictures and love for riding and each other with us!
Sally, it's unfortunate that you have made incorrect presumptions based on your own inadequacies. And because you did I have to correct every one of your incorrect comments. We have 3 children, and yes Margaret carried and gave birth to all 3. Two of them are now over 20 years of age, one has graduated from college with a bachelors degree in marketing, the second is a body builder and is on his 3rd year of college pursuing a degree in physical education. The 3rd who is 19 will be finishing his second year of college and will be going into the police academy.
As for eating properly, I assume your referring to the post Healthy Living for Healthy Riding. My assumption based on your statement about eating doughnuts is that you simply have no clue to what a healthy lifestyle is. What I can say is she works out with regularity and stays in good health and shape because of it and the choices we make in regards to food. Some readers have simply commented on Margaret because first: she is a beautiful woman, and second: she has made remarkable progress in riding and taken to it so naturally. There really is no justifiable reasoning behind why you are taking comments about her so personally.
Because you lump all woman that ride into a group that you are labeling as "Bitches", you have shown you are completely out of touch with reality and its obvious you have interpersonal relationship issues and are possibly quite unapproachable as an individual which has led you to come to these conclusions. Margaret, as well as all of the woman in our local HOG Chapter that we ride with are wonderful woman. They are kind, encouraging, fun, great conversationalists, approachable, friendly, and good riders. We have ridden with other local riding groups and have found the woman riders very nice and welcoming as well. Our experiences with other woman riders has been completely opposite of your statement.
It's too bad you have so many negative feelings about someone you know nothing about. You would do well to re-evaluate your perspectives on people seeing as every statement you made is incorrect. We have worked hard through our marriage in raising our kids and putting ourselves in a financial situation so we can enjoy our life together by riding. She does enjoy polishing the chrome on her bike and taking care of the things we have worked hard to get. Good luck to you in your endeavors!
And if you ride….Ride Strong, Ride Safe
Wonderful post Scott.
Be sure to look up my YouTube channel under Rumbling Rider for more maintenance videos. I don't have blog posts for the all the videos I've published and you'll find a lot more on YouTube than on the blog.
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